With curiosity and empathy being the main tools my aim of observing, documenting and interpreting our current situation of isolation will present the audience an opportunity of feeling part of something bigger. Absurdly enough it is through being forced to stay inside during a pandemic that I have really started questioning what is out there. Going beyond creating for the sake of it, I want to question my position in this world firstly as a person and secondly as a designer and problem solver. The project is composed of three videos.
Can imperceptible happiness exist? So how do you call those intense fleeting pleasures that punctuate our days, lighting their minutes up like matches in the dark? If you do look for them you can see them, those small reasons to be happy. 
It’s in these hard times of lockdown and isolation that I find comfort in the yellow things. That first sip of coffee is my yellow thing. What is your yellow thing?
The 19th Century painter made solitude his life’s work. Cold plate glass windows, towering urban buildings where everyone lives in self-contained apartments from which they escape through wondering eyes, make the fabric of modern cities the perfect visual representation of solitude. Here’s a comparison between 11 Hopper paintings I selected and 11 scenes of solitude happening around me. 
Isolation and lockdown have changed the way the masses behave. Whilst the logistics of social interaction are changing will crowds become a thing of the past?
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